ahh i`m tanned but mine hand only ... i friends more wose poor thing
Althought its tough but damn fun ... back to the busy city and miss the quite and beautiful Pulau Ubin
Is great manxz over there haha
reach home miss lots of thing there
trainer`chionging to toilet to bath`pitch and unpitch tent`cooking own food`miss da gama and
hillary together hikeing and kayang `more .....
Firsssssst Dayyyy (day1)
complain that my bag is heavy
wake up early than take cab with vivien and zahidah to school
reach to the place took boat there
roland is our trainer haha hillary is our group
learn to pitch the tent first saw it i thought i will be hard
but at night pitching thought got do wrong but is easy and the last to pitch finish =D
eat cook that we cook and i have to eat from a rice cooker hander -.-"
when to bath
haha than at night when to sleep
than someone call mii "michelle "
see who was it vivien call mii wake up than saw many peps not sleeping yet
pei her chat than zahidah and others wake up too
so chat together and than kena scolded from trainer hehe
Seconnnnnnnd Daaaaayyyy (day 2 )
wake up wash up
learn how to belay quite fun one time i belay till i almost fly up haha
pack our bag with our cothers ...wth ....OMG damn heavy
dunno wat we going to do with this heavy bag
than we carried this almost 10kg bag and walk in the forest
damn heavy till tears come alittle hehe
walk wak walk stop stop back walking
to camp 1
than we go do high element and i do with zahidah
got to try belaying damn fun try on yi jing she so light
but on yi ting i almost fly up haha
saw vivien do till so high clap for her when to hug her miss her lots =DD
when to pitch tent than when to eat at the canteen there
much better as we dont need to cook and even niecer waited for this so long =D
when to chiong go bath
got talk about the next day with de gama
than have our personal talk and laugh out heads off haha
pack our bag than when to sleep
Thireeeeeeeeeed Daaaayy (day 3 )
wake up wash up ...
we got to do kayak practice
like the capsizing part
we with the De Gama
ours one in the boat with 3 peps
than i with rayner `vivien very fun kayak for long hours like 3 to 4 hours
very far than we always the first cos catch keep with our leader there bryant
we keep banging peps boat haha than push away too
haha than got one part damn farni
we having break los than rayner say want to go toilet than trainer say go down
when he down he say he dun feel like going than he cannot get up
haha he try to get and fall back again wow damn farni keep laughing
but we try to make him go up for 5-10 min he got up cos i was in the middle and move back
so tat he could get up
but when we kayak we almost capsize so change back
reach campsite mine hand kena sunburn and mine hair is rough
we cannot bath when we will in the campsite... cook mee
than skip skip skip
sleep like pig cos so tired =D
Forthhhhhhhhh Dayyyyyy (day 4)
ants all around eek ...... gosh -.-"
than pack our bag we will late so have to walk more
walk with heavy bagpack again
walk walk when we reach than we walk back to our campsite cos have to walk more -.-"
than walk to the jati
wow love tat the most is like one pool than we go jump in so fun sia very shiock
but very deep
than have to change in forest OMG ....
back to walking with bagpack but is shorter =DD
(lazy to write after that so ya can skip skip skip )
Fifthhhhhh Dayyyyyy (last day)
(lazy to write so ya )....
wake up early on time finally
pack our bag write talk about reflection thought this 5 days
seat boat go back singapore
BYeeeee =D
Miss OBS D=
Why is it so hurtful,down tears again
felt like the same as last time D=... is hard to forget